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What kind of men Latvian girls like?

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Male Forums Member 
#29 | Posted: 8 Dec 2010 20:25
We went for a drink at the weekend. We just kept talking and laughing It felt so natural. Even if we just be friends I am glad I met her. I love getting to know people from other places we could all gain so much from eachother
Male Admin 
#30 | Posted: 8 Dec 2010 21:39
Hmm, how this relates to the topic? I.e. "What kind of men Latvian girls like?"

If she liked her, what kind of man are you? [if you are the man of course hee-hee ]
Male Forums Member 
#31 | Posted: 9 Dec 2010 01:11
Oops sorry plomb did go off topic lol yes im an english guy and i am starting to see Latvian people like sarcasm. Great, we have something in common
#32 | Posted: 13 Dec 2010 02:04
Dont know what latvians like as u cant generalise, but I do know they dont like dumb ass fucks who think latvia is a place to go get easy cheap sex
Male Admin 
#33 | Posted: 14 Dec 2010 13:37
i am starting to see Latvian people like sarcasm

I'm not sure that all Latvian people do like sarcasm. I think, the most part do not even know what it is about and how to perceive it But yes, the team behind of this website, is self-critical and sarcastic enough. Else we would not be interested to provide boring stuff and thoughts. Thanks for understanding.
Male Admin 
#34 | Posted: 14 Dec 2010 13:37
I do know they dont like dumb ass fucks who think latvia is a place to go get easy cheap sex

Bravo! That's it.
#35 | Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:40
Well guys, first of all I want to say nation is not really important in this case. A Latvian, a Serb, an American, an Aussie or a Korean.. It's not really important where from you come. Logical people like every logical things.. There is nothing like an idiot guy can be liked/loved by a Russian girl however he cannot be liked/loved by a Latvian girl.. Please come on!.. Do not rate people that down.. All girls, have a brilliant brain, would not be interested in such idiots.. It is not really cool to say it in such generalizations.. "Actions speak louder than words".. Well, I'm a Turk myself.. And I have been in a relationship with a Latvian girl for a year and a bit more.. Before posting it, I took a look around and I was really in shock what I read on others's comments. There are guys talked about the some body parts of Latvian girls.. I even read a theory says "Latvian girls have a sexy a**".. Jesus.. Can you please stop being a waste of human occupancy? Can you please think by your brain not by your d*** ? There are many beautiful girls and many hansome guys in all around the world.. How can a human brain say "AA girls have nice XYZ", "BB girls have hot X'Y'Z'".. And also the tittle of the topic "What kind of men do Latvian girls like?".. It is one of the most absurd question I have heard in my life.. As in everywhere, there are many people live in Latvia.. They are not some robots or some coded programs.. As you all are aware of there is a sayin; "There is no accounting on tastes".. However there is a saying like this, how can you still ask this question? "A likes B".. "B likes C".. Well, I don't even know what to say more about this.. You know what, I am feeling very lucky because I was not born to be a foolish person like you all.. (to the people on here; whose life is limited by just eating, drinking and going to toilet).. NO OFFENSE..
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#36 | Posted: 18 Jan 2011 13:05
whose life is limited by just eating, drinking and going to toilet

I would say - in our world, the life is not limited by that. Life consists of that. Many people having that, are already lucky. I mean, if you have something to eat, to drink and to have a roof over your head where you could safely make a pee, that's already nice.

Each opinion on our forums is worth. In your opinion, you miss one thing: people are different. It is important where you come from, how much do you earn, how do you look and so on. It is. The other difficulty here, is to determine, what exactly is more important and what is less important. It's not about "human occupancy", it's how this world is built. Too many relations of any kinds, to call it "simple".
#37 | Posted: 6 Apr 2011 14:54
women are women same as all world!most important before than u want from her! what do you give to her?
i mean AS HUMAN SIDE!!

that magic word! than become financial side of TOPIC WITH WOMENS!
Male Forums Member 
#38 | Posted: 20 Apr 2011 23:02
in my opinion girls in all of world are same
if you are an honest , strong man that know what you want and what to do
girls trust you because you trust yourself
Male Forums Member 
#39 | Posted: 23 Apr 2011 23:57
and the men Latin American
Male Forums Member 
#40 | Posted: 26 Apr 2011 23:20
latvian girls don"t know what type of men want they
same as all of world girls
because they are living in 2 different world
first one is dreamland and secound one is realland
Male Forums Member 
#41 | Posted: 9 May 2011 12:53
respect i a agree and take care about them and treat them like a lady!!
Mike Filmer Profile Pictures: 2
Male Forums Member 
#42 | Posted: 10 Aug 2011 15:23
Hi Yuta
I presume Latvians are similar to all people on earth. Just be friendly and normal.
Facades wont work so just keeping it real is the answer.
Im planning to visit your country, but have to work out an itinerary.
Can you help me with where to start?
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