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Naturist (nudist) beach in Latvia and how to get there

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#1 | Posted: 20 Aug 2008 17:06
Hello everybody, I am curious to know if there any nudist beaches available in Latvia? I think I've heard something in the past but can't locate this information now.

And if you know it, please give a detailed description of how to get there.

Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#2 | Posted: 3 Sep 2008 17:23
* Vecāķi is the biggest official naturist beach. The biggest of Latvia's naturist beaches, situated a little way north of Vecāķi village. To get there from Riga take the Riga-Saulkrasti railway line and get off at Vecāķi, or bus Nr200 & 204. Follow the map attached below to locate it.

* Inčupe naturist beach. A medium sized beach, situated near the Saulkrasti railway line on the southern bank of the Inčupe river about 50 km from Riga. It's the most "ancient" and old-living naturist beach, but it's not very popular today, because of the really big location from Riga. Follow the map attached below to locate it.

* Lielupe beach, also known as "the wild beach" (map). A small, unofficial naturist beach, on the left bank of the Lielupe river delta. It's not popular amongst "real nudists". There are often met aggressive people, and the place itself is too dirty, not natural. Most probably it's only for drinking/smoking companies. Be afraid to visit it alone. However, there are also some pros: the perfect sand of Lielupe. You never will find the same in Jurmala.

* Ventspils city has an official naturist beach. It's located on the "main" left side of Venta. If you go from the center of the city to the seaside, there is actually only one way, you can't be wrong. When you are on the beach, follow the left hand path. Sooner or later, you will see the warning saying you can step behind in clothes. It's quite a nice small place, but the annoying factor is the sound of a little museum train, which goes up and down in the nearest forest each 30 minutes. Follow the map attached below to locate the beach.

* Liepāja city has an unofficial naturist beach. Also quite small, situated about 3km south of Liepaja. More infos follow in the next summer

The summer is over for now and this topic just reminded me some few sweet days I've spent in Vecaki. This is the only naturist beach I've visited in Latvia so far, and you can't be unexcited when you are there

Above is explained what kind of transport shall you use to get in there; I could add "bus" means not really a bus, but how they call it in Latvia - "mar'shrutka", it's a little van for about 20 people, Mercedes-like. Vans to Vecaki are stopping at the central railway station, in opposite to the tower clock.

If you go there for a first time, I still recommend to take a train, so you won't miss a thing. However for the buses Vecaki is also the final destination, so you won't drive further.

The beach itself is situated between two non-nudist public beaches (actually between Vecaki and Kalngale), and it's about 30 min. by walk if you go from the train station through the "official" beach side. There is nowhere written it's a naturist beach, but you'll see naked people as soon as you get closer

The beach itself is very nice, with the mild yellow sand, when you go in water, it is not deep at the beginning, but only about 20-30 meters from the coast, there begins something more "serious", so it is perfectly situated for children too.

I think there is always more nude men watchable else Latvian women but anyway you will have a great chance to see many hot girls naked. I suppose this is the main goal of such journey - but you must be naked too, of course, to see it all Forget your behaviors and get closer to the nature!

From the cons side, I could mention there are some parts of the beach, specially the ones laying closely to the pine forest, fulfilled with ants. You need to avoid ants, as well as avoid any kind of flying insects, specially flies. They are rare, but happen from time to time.

Also, in this pine forest there is always a lot of masturbating photographers walking which are trying to catch nude girls and boys and so on. You must know about it, if you don't give a shit it won't matter for you; but if you care, better leave this idea.

I never had a chance to picture nude girls in Vecaki myself by purpose, because it's a bit impolite and nobody know what happens next

Anyway there was some cases when I've got luck... Examples are below
Vecaki nudist beach: How to get there map
Vecaki nudist beach: How to get there map
Inčupe nudist beach: How to get there map
Inčupe nudist beach: How to get there map
Ventspils nudist beach: How to get there map
Ventspils nudist beach: How to get there map
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#3 | Posted: 3 Sep 2008 17:24
This summer I specially was impressed by the nude girl which was picturing nude men and probably doing some macro-shoots... I can't pass her
Nude girl picturing in Vecaki
Nude girl picturing in Vecaki
Nude girl picturing in Vecaki
Nude girl picturing in Vecaki
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#4 | Posted: 3 Sep 2008 17:25 | Edited by: Bro
Some pics from my past...
Girls on the Vecaki beach... they were posing for me!
Girls on the Vecaki beach... they were posing for me!
Another girls... I was drunk enough to catch them ;-)
Another girls... I was drunk enough to catch them ;-)
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#5 | Posted: 3 Sep 2008 17:26
Non-nude pictures I've made in the past too...
Going out of water... like a sirene
Going out of water... like a sirene
Sweet teen relaxing
Sweet teen relaxing
barefoot_dreams 49  
#6 | Posted: 25 Jun 2009 21:55
I'm of Latvian origan. I was fortunate enough to visit there 5 years ago and loved every minute of it. Even though I didn't find any nude beaches (daughters were with me), I did enjoy the openness of the liepai beach with those sand dunes. In general I found people to be sexier there. So liberated in their attitudes.
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#7 | Posted: 6 Jul 2009 11:15
Be careful on the Vecaki beach this year (2009) - as I've recently read, there is forbidden to swim and go into the sea because of its dangerous microbiological condition.
Male Forums Member 
#8 | Posted: 18 Jul 2009 02:48
how far is jurmala and vecaki from Riga? Can I take a taxi there?
Male Admin 
#9 | Posted: 20 Jul 2009 18:59
Jurmala has various places to check - Majori, Dzintari, Kauguri... it depends where would you like to get in.

Majori is the top tourist destination, I think, and it's about 40 min by train from Riga.

Read above how to get to Vecaki, it's the same distance, but it's in opposite side to Jurmala.

Jurmala and Vecaki are not the same thing!
Male Forums Member 
#10 | Posted: 21 Jul 2009 00:52
ok thanks bro for the advice. Majori is probably not what I would like since i prefer more quiet places.
Male Admin 
#11 | Posted: 21 Jul 2009 11:22
There are no quiet places around Riga Probably Saulkrasti would be your destination point to check first then...
#12 | Posted: 27 Jul 2009 23:49
i can invite and show everyone where is nude beach in liepaja ! I,M bi girl
Male Forums Member 
#13 | Posted: 28 Jul 2009 17:07
perhaps it´s much more better to go to tukums or somewhere between jurmala and tukums to have peaceful time at seaside
ermine Profile Pictures: 1
Female Forums Member 
#14 | Posted: 30 Jul 2009 12:10
Yet another peaceful side - Saulkrasti!
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