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Naturist (nudist) beach in Latvia and how to get there

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Male Forums Member 
#15 | Posted: 2 Aug 2009 05:03
thank you for the advices ;)
JC92471 Profile Pictures: 8
Male Forums Member 
#16 | Posted: 3 Aug 2009 11:32
That is interesting information
Male Forums Member 
#17 | Posted: 6 Aug 2009 12:10
i have never been to nudist beach.i want to have this experience in my latvia visit
Male Forums Member 
#18 | Posted: 13 Aug 2009 13:27
Thanks for the information about the nudist beaches in Latvia.
I have a question, what if anyone get an erection in that beach (because there are many naked girls ), would it be a problem?
And my other question is, what is the sea season of Latvia? July? August?
Male Admin 
#19 | Posted: 13 Aug 2009 14:39 | Edited by: Plomb
if anyone get an erection in that beach (because there are many naked girls), would it be a problem?

There are a lot of such problems around, but I would never say this is something extraordinary A natural process... nobody will laugh on you or show the finger.

The sea season is mostly May-June-July-August, but it depends on a year and overall weather... in 2009 we have only July and August so-so warm.

That still limits only swimming in the water (btw in Vecaki it's forbidden anyway), but you can took the sun baths for the whole Summer I guess.
Male Forums Member 
#20 | Posted: 14 Aug 2009 09:03
Plomb, thank you for your answers .
I have one last question, in the nudist beach, do people have sex?
I am asking this because even in some night clubs (although the people are not nude, they get attraction from each other, especially if they wear sexy clothes), people have sex. In the nudist beach, both women and men are naked, so they can have sexually attracted and have sex?
I am not asking this because of my perversion. I really want to learn this..
Male Admin 
#21 | Posted: 14 Aug 2009 09:43
I must answer honestly: I've had sex myself on such beach

Of course, people have sex there, it's good place for it. Just I'm not sure if you will see it with your own eyes... Usually nudists are hiding in the forest or somewhere in bushes
Male Forums Member 
#22 | Posted: 14 Aug 2009 14:07
Yes, i also think that if you plan to have sex, it's better to hide in the forest or bushes..
But, do you go to another naked girl and meet as you are in a night club? I am really curious about how the things work in such a nudist beach
Male Admin 
#23 | Posted: 17 Aug 2009 08:33
Just go there and you'll see it for yourself

Being honest, there are only few girls/women alone on such beaches. Mostly "mature" or not really attractive. Most of them are coming there with their boyfriends. So your plan like in a nightclub most likely won't work.
francois O 
#24 | Posted: 19 Aug 2009 16:05
Male Forums Member 
#25 | Posted: 19 Aug 2009 16:16
grenuille Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#26 | Posted: 20 Aug 2009 10:17
When is the best time in the year to go on the beaches in Latvia?
Male Admin 
#27 | Posted: 20 Aug 2009 10:47
When is the best time in the year to go on the beaches in Latvia?

This is answered just on the previous page of this topic...
It looks you're posting without reading, but we understand why. Just because you want to make 3 messages to contact some girl It doesn't look very clever indeed.
thiseas Profile Pictures: 7
Male Forums Member 
#28 | Posted: 20 Aug 2009 21:43
i think it is to cold for me to join
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