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Naturist (nudist) beach in Latvia and how to get there

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Male Forums Member 
#43 | Posted: 8 Aug 2014 16:21
Is there is a ferry from Norway to Latvia?
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#44 | Posted: 9 Aug 2014 03:18
Is there is a ferry from Norway to Latvia?

There is no direct ferry to the Nudist beaches of Latvia, if you've meant that.

I'm also afraid there couldn't be a direct fairy from Norway to Latvia. If you look at the map, you would see such ferry would need to make a big crook between Denmark and Sweden. Possibly, there could exist a ferry from Norway to Germany; from Germany, you could travel to Latvia by ferry as well (Ventspils city).

It could be quite an expensive travel, overall. Don't get backed to this idea and take a regular flight could be 10x times cheaper and quicker.
djt91184 Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#45 | Posted: 25 Jun 2017 00:55
When I go there in my nude self how many will marry me because I'm from Astraya?
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#46 | Posted: 30 Jun 2017 12:33

I suppose, on nudist beaches it's impolite to make marriage and specially sex offers
djt91184 Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#47 | Posted: 14 Jul 2017 14:46

Sorry I couldnt help myself and my Australian sarcasm, it was meant as a joke.
Astraya is local slang for Australia because it is often pronounced like this in Australian language.
Male Forums Member 
#48 | Posted: 30 Jul 2017 18:20
I love you!
#49 | Posted: 22 May 2019 16:44
Hi I'm looking for gay beach in Latvia
Male Admin 
#50 | Posted: 24 May 2019 20:49
I'm looking for gay beach in Latvia

Take a look at the 2nd post in this topic. The Vecāķi beach is probably the one you have to reach; but you have to follow it a bit further than the official line ends. Gay beach is located between Vecāķi and Kalngale.
#51 | Posted: 4 Mar 2023 15:44

The top-and-bottom pictures. Describe the same place.


Damn bro - who is the beauty with the ass in the second pic
#52 | Posted: 10 Jan 2024 16:06
I'd really like to visit Latvia some day. Europe in general.
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