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Why Latvian Women are Beautiful (A Theory)

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#15 | Posted: 25 Mar 2011 23:07
I would say there are lots of them. Both gays and lesbians.

Ok, I guess that's the standard regardless the country. Well, the benefit for the majority of us is that they are not interested in beautiful Latvian women so the competition is less ; ).
Male Forums Member 
#16 | Posted: 18 Apr 2011 00:57
latvian girls are beauty and ugly same as all of a world
this is depennd on your favorite
in my opinion real beauty is in your mind and heart
Ingo Profile Pictures: 11
Male Forums Member 
#17 | Posted: 19 Aug 2011 18:21

I do think there are many naturally beautiful girls on the forum, recent signups as well. God alone knows what it was like before.
ugly latvian woman 
#18 | Posted: 17 Dec 2011 17:10
i think, that the author needs to investigate from the point of sociology why the colleague thinks that Latvian women are very beautiful
Male Admin 
#19 | Posted: 19 Dec 2011 19:04
The point of sociology? Colleague thinks?..
I think, you are a bit lost The question is not about this.
Male Forums Member 
#20 | Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:53
justmassimo Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#21 | Posted: 16 Jan 2012 16:00
nice theory! but should be verified
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#22 | Posted: 16 Jan 2012 20:12
but should be verified

It's in your hands, eyes and legs, pal!
#23 | Posted: 2 Feb 2012 11:37
Hey people I'm from Latvia ;) Well we try to be natural beautiful
Male Admin 
#24 | Posted: 2 Feb 2012 12:25
Well we try to be natural beautiful

Is this a reason? ;)
#25 | Posted: 3 Feb 2012 00:24
lv jurmala 4au
lv jurmala 4au:
most, but not all are naturally beautiful, although in my opinion this beauty is jaded by their nasty, cruel and very ugly personalities

Hi. This is exactly what my latvian boyfriend told me too. I live in UK and my boyfriend is latvian.
When I mentioned to him that their latvian women are beautiful he said, yeah but a lot of these beautiful women they have nasty streak because the more goodlooking the woman is the more they bleed the man dry when it comes to money...

But latvian women are mostly educated and intelligent.
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#26 | Posted: 3 Feb 2012 11:30 | Edited by: Bro
the more goodlooking the woman is the more they bleed the man dry when it comes to money

Well told. Bingo!
#27 | Posted: 27 May 2012 00:25
the more goodlooking the woman is the more they bleed the man dry when it comes to money

Sorry for bumping an old topic, but please enlightning me and everybody: Dont every women in any country bleed the money of men? It's kinda their nature
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#28 | Posted: 28 May 2012 17:57
I think it comes from the very ancient times. Woman's task is to build home and children, man's task is to bring food and protect from others. Nowadays women also want to be safe, that's why they "use" rich men as more as they can
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