Guy from USA:
Women have the ability to succeed in their careers just like men, it isn't a bad thing for a woman to be successful in their career, it is a good thing that women have been deprived of for thousands of years by men.
It seems like you are going to be a woman, not a man, if you think so!
Ok let's remember "woman's rights laws" and "feminism" and we are here. I've thought about it many times and I could conclude that this new modern philosophy leads to the end of days. Let me prove.
From the very ancient times, the family formula was about woman carrying the house and children, and the man hunting and getting the food fighting with other men who have an eye on his family. This formula is given to us by God and I don't see reasons to change it in such small period of time like few thousands years.
It's true, nowadays women think they can do much more, and they do. But now think about the following: what if men would totally
disappear from Earth because of that, in some short period of time? Women can may give birth to both men and women, but men can't give birth to anybody. It only means, females may merely live without males, if... what?
Women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, actually. Modern medicine allows the artificial fertilization. Each year this statistics will grow, because pairs have less and less chances to have "natural" children - this is up to the ecology, business, stress. There is only one step left from the
artificial spermatozoon - when they have it, men are no more necessary!
So all those movies about Amazons and other female fantasies are not far from the true.
If such thing happens, there's no secret whom we may call guilty - the men of course! Men will destroy themselves if they will give too much power to women.
A woman should know her place - this is just what I think... it is the
natural order.