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JLP Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#1 | Posted: 9 Jul 2014 15:39
Hi all,

I'm keen to learn about Latvian Culture. I'm English, I live in Sweden, thus I know about Sweden, Norway and Finland, but I'm curious about the Baltic states.

I'm specifically interested in saunas. No, I'm not weird, I have a company in Sweden that builds mobile saunas. I know that saunas are very popular in Finland (more saunas than cars there) and of course, Russia was the birthplace of the sauna. So how is it in the Baltic region? Probably much the same as in Russia, I suppose, but supposition never got anyone anywhere

I'm planning on doing a bit of a tour up in Scandanavia, then south through the Baltic region and back home via Poland, Germany etc next year with one of the saunas, to get some good photographs etc but to get to know my neighbours as well.


yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#2 | Posted: 10 Jul 2014 15:06 | Edited by: yuta
As I know, Russia could be the "birthplace" of BANYA. Banya, generically, is not Sauna, despite Wikipedia equals them. Sauna is about the "dry steam" procedure, banya is about wet steam.

In Latvia, you would find a lot of public saunas and banyas, but mostly, the smallest are used for sexual orgies, and I personally don't visit them too often.

In Riga, we have the Akvalande public baths complex, where there are present a Turkish sauna and Chukchi banya; the last is about the "standart" banya with weniks and the cold wake. The complex is quite outdated and old, but it's also cheap, so this is probably the most notable place about banyas you could visit in Riga.
JLP Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#3 | Posted: 10 Jul 2014 22:03
Hi yuta,

I think it's a shame that saunas are associated with s.e.x. I only became interested in them after I moved to Sweden and experienced -30 degrees in the winter.

In Finland, a sauna is almost a sacred place, all about cleansing body and soul. Even swearing is not approved in the sauna. I'm not sure how you'd have an orgy in a sauna anyway, it's too hot!

Does anyone have a sauna in their home? I read that it can reach -30 too in your country, so I could see that it would be a good idea.

I'll be taking my own sauna with me (it's on wheels, like a caravan) Good publicity for my company, but very interesting for me personally as well. I've travelled in most parts of the world, but not really Europe.
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#4 | Posted: 12 Jul 2014 01:49 | Edited by: yuta
Does anyone have a sauna in their home? I read that it can reach -30 too in your country, so I could see that it would be a good idea.

Yes, sometimes we could have -30 Celsium degrees in winter. However it wouldn't mean all people because of that would take saunas at home. At first, homes are exclusives in Latvia. Only rich and mostly head-ahead people could allow to live in them. I'd say, 80% of population lives in standard multiple-flats houses, i.e. owning a flat or appartment.

I suppose, you could imagine that having a sauna in a flat appaearing in a combined house is not possible

I wouldn't say I've seen too often that sauna or banya is even attached to a standalone house. It requires some care and it's not quite cheap in support. So even not an every private house may have this.

As about "saunas on wheels" - I couldn't be precise on that. Sometimes I've seen such saunas on wheels on public events, but I'm not sure if it's a common event in Latvia.

You definitely could gain some profit or attention presenting yours in this country
JLP Profile Pictures: 1
Male Forums Member 
#5 | Posted: 16 Jul 2014 00:43
Thanks for the info!

I look forward to seeing how it is in your country. I have friends who live in Poland, so it should be a good trip. I just need to find the time now!


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