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A Discourse on Academic Degree Attainment and Success in One’s Professional Life

#1 | Posted: 11 Jan 2024 20:38
The matter of higher education and its correlation with the ultimate success of an individual’s profession has been a subject of debate for a long time up until now. Different view points from different quarters of the society have been forwarded in an attempt to put this issue into context as this paper will address. I have taken into account studies conducted by different authors, bodies, institutions, and organizations that reflect the employees’ and employers’ views.

It is expected that, between 2010 and 2020, 2.6 million new and replacement jobs will require advanced degree qualifications as demanded by employers who recognize the added value that such graduates bring to their companies (Wendler et al. 2). A stark difference exists between 1973’s job market as compared to that of 2005 (Carnevale 39). The former’s degree absorption into the job market stood at 16% whereas the latter’s absorption was at 42% (39). These two situations as outlined by these authors are indicative of the job market’s expectations of the quality of workforce it desires. It can be presumed that the higher the level of education attainment, the greater the responsibilities, perks, and compensation in an individual’s career. This has a knock-on effect on students who aspire to pursue a given profession; the need to attain higher academic credentials.Academic Degree

It has been reported that “average earnings increase measurably with higher levels of education” and that “individual students . . . reap much of the benefits of higher education” (Baum and Ma 8). Some students associate higher education degrees with increased earning capacity which to them signifies success in that profession they intend to land a job in. In addition to higher salaries, other perks such as employer-provided health and pension benefits are tagged to the professions that would-be-graduates aim at. Due to the perceived increase in financial returns to the student who aims at getting employed, and attains a good position in a targeted field/firm, the consequence is that such a student may just be motivated to achieve higher levels of education.

Professional skills are paramount in any work sector and it is acquired in a training environment, such as a learning institution, and enhanced in the work environment (Wendler et al. 4). Students are expected to perfect their skills in terms of professionalism, work ethic, critical thinking, team work, written and oral communication, and problem solving all of which are linked to job success (Wendler et al. 4). In his article Higher Education and Jobs, Anthony Carnavele observes that [students who are] not equipped with the knowledge and skills . . . are denied full . . .inclusion” in the mainstream work place environment, hence do not profit from their career engagement from a broader social aspect (38). Thus conditions such as imposed upon a student regarding to the thresholds expected of any particular career, often the student tends to conform to these “norms” in an effort to build a successful career.

Success can have a kaleidoscope meaning depending on the person or institution approached to define it based on real life events. Therefore, narrowing it down to progress in the work field environment gives it the thrust, impetus, and due attention that enables a student to come up an informed mindset that addresses its expectations. Thus, if the student seeks further academic qualifications, or aims at improving existent skill set, or aspires for financial security as a measure of succeeding in the job market, then the degree acquisition becomes the most viable avenue. It becomes imperative for such a student to gain further education in the field of specialty in the effort to attain personal ambitions in the career/profession of choice.

Works Cited

Baum, Sandy and Ma Jennifer. Trends in Higher Education Series. Education Pays. The Benefits of Higher Education for the Individual and Society. Washington: The College Board.. Print.

Carnavale, A. Forum for the Future of Higher Education: Higher Education and Jobs. Georgetown University. Print.

Essay Directory. The Ways of Preventing Students from Plagiarism in an Academic Setting. Online: https://essaydirectory/prevent-student-dishonesty

Translate-Polish Student Writing Articles.

Wendler, Cathy, Bridgeman Bren, Markle Ross, Cline Fred, Bell Nathan, McAllister Patricia, and Kent Julia. Pathways Through Graduate School and into Careers. Education Testing Service and the Council of Graduate School.
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