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Student Advice: How to Avoid Academic Dishonesty

#1 | Posted: 11 Jan 2024 22:09
Academic integrity embodies and initiate the process of greeting fraternity an student clubs that will lead to improvement of the student`s process in many schools and institution. There are several ways that students can do to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonest. There are a well a burdensome work that teacher has to do in order to make student avoid such indiscipline and in academic behaviors. Another thing is that, student should be very punctual so s to complete a given work in a short time. A cording to the investigation, student who tend to be plagiarizing the work are those who do not adhere with the rule or the format of proper references and citation of the source used in it.Dishonest Student

In most schools around the world, plagiarism and academic dishonest has been rampant and has greatly affected the academic progress especially in undergraduate students. Students studying in online progress are mostly the one to be affected by these challenges all over the world. There are some other cases where a student or a researcher is not intending to plagiarize but by mistake found to have done so. This kind of mistake can be realized even by the teacher since that cannot be done promptly. Most of the teachers in schools and institutions have generally equalized intentional and unintentional plagiarism such that when a student plagiarize or do not provide proper citation of a given work, they take it to be unintentional and end failing the student.

Some of the measures that student can do to avoid plagiarism can be taken in both teacher and students and therefore plagiarism and academic dishonest can be a great challenge in the learning community. Acknowledgement of the ideas, words and intellectual properties should be established and guarded properly. Some of the breaches that interfere with academic integrity are plagiarism, collusion, the fabrication or deliberate misrepresentation of data, and failure to adhere to the rules regarding examinations in such a way as to gain unfair academic advantage.

Some of the tips that student can use to avoid plagiarism are:

1. Student should find out policies on academic integrity that include plagiarism and that for examination. There should be no excuse for plagiarism.

2. Students should take advantage of the allocated and designed resources that are meant to help them avoid academic dishonest.

Such resources are:

- Workshops that include referencing, session for taking notes and academic honest.

- Online sources such as guides on referencing.

- Individual tutorial offered by ASLC where one can help another.

- How to evaluate online materials for, authority and currency.

3. They should learn on how to make proper referencing and invest in current edition on proper citation. Citation styles are certainly used differently in many colleges and if a student is taking two courses across colleges, they should land to use the required style of referencing as required.

4. Do not tolerate where another student is plagiarizing. Academic dishonest should be reported.

5. Students should not accept the persuasion from others to plagiarize since that can seriously impacted in the student`s future. Student`s success is therefore based on their reputation.

6. Students should add their credibility by referencing their work by paraphrasing, quoting, or by the idea from the net.

7. Any resource extracted from the internet should be attributed very well. For any internet-based materials, student should be very sure that they evaluate material for currency, authority and credence.

For the above instruction and tips for students on how to avoid academic dishonest, students plays a fundamental effort discipline and trustworthy in the production of quality and original work. Communicating openly about the effect and encouraging academic integrity is the proactive approach on eliminating academic dishonest.
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