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Introductions Forums About Latvian Girls And Around / Introductions /

Introduction and flirt question

Male Forums Member 
#1 | Posted: 31 Aug 2011 22:12
Hi everyone,

as you can see, I'm new to this forum. I'm registered myself here because I'll live in Riga now until December and studying here one semester. Today my first week in Riga is over and I like the city and the people, especially the women ;) What I heard and read is true, it's unbelievable, how much beautiful and so nice dressed women walken through the city and parks! I think I have seen more beautiful women in this one week than in all years since I'm looking for girls in my home country Germany! And those few which I already meet in my university are not just beautiful, they are smart and well-educated too!

Now I understand why some guys come here and looking for cheap and quick sex (+ beer), but I find this very disrespectful! Just because latvian women... let's say show more of their curves and skin then in west-european countries and elsewhere, this doesn't mean that they are purchasable!

I think I will meet some latvian girls during the lectures in the university, but I'll treat them in a gentle way, I hope I have the chance to invite some girl to diner or some other activity to get to know each other and let some time goes by and see what may happen.

But I've got a question for the very active latvian people here in this forum. There is one girl in a coffee shop, of course she is pretty and speaks very good english and smile at me. So I would like to get to know her and the only way which I seeing right now is to give her a piece of paper with my name and mobile number. So my question is: Is this (maybe) okay for an latvian girl, would a latvian guy maybe do the same thing to get to know her or is this a big No-Go in Latvia, just give someone a mobile number? I mean I just wanna date her, nothing about sex, just go out walk in the city/park, drink a coffee is maybe in her case not such a good idea because she works with coffee, but you know just meet her and do some normal activity. Or maybe in the future by a waitress or a salesperson in a shop (by the way the galleria in old Riga is so nice!) Thanks for any help or tip in this case.

So I hope I can provide some useful comments in this forum during my time in Riga

yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#2 | Posted: 1 Sep 2011 18:04 | Edited by: yuta
I would say - any *normal* girl would agree to such ordinary thing like dinner, only if she really likes you I think, nowadays when we have a limited time, people need to know each other in a more quick and appropriate way than just talking and drinking a coffee or more. You must be creative in such offers

Ok, are you such a really shy guy that you can't come to the girl and just speak to her? Just imagine that somebody in the coffee shop gives you a name and telephone number. Oh well, I must refer to David Lynch movies to see this in action! That's a mystery, and she might think you are a secret agent. But she also might think that you are an idiot.

So this is not really the right way of meeting! Be simpler!

Welcome to our forums and thanks for the very nice opinion and perception of Latvian women. You may browse forums to read many interesting topics and add your opinion to them, which will be always appreciated
Male Forums Member 
#3 | Posted: 1 Sep 2011 22:16
I was thinking this through and yes, just give her a piece of paper is a little bit weird and maybe to shy! I will talk to her, lets see what's happen
Bro Profile Pictures: 3
Male Girls Lover 
#4 | Posted: 2 Sep 2011 15:40
Just say "hey" and start talking. That's easy!
Ingo Profile Pictures: 11
Male Forums Member 
#5 | Posted: 3 Sep 2011 20:52
Good luck, the paper bit does seem a bit odd and impersonal.

Hope you update us on success or otherwise.
Male Forums Member 
#6 | Posted: 25 Sep 2011 14:44

need a short advise again: I already know that giving flowers to a girl on her birth- or nameday is a big thing in Latvia, but what about the first date? Is it okay or maybe aspected or should i dont do it because then she has to carry the flower around the whole time?
Thanks for help!
Male Admin 
#7 | Posted: 26 Sep 2011 11:20
My personal opinion, is that giving flowers is a bit of outdated tradition for a modern girl. Flowers are great when they are live. If they are cut off, they are not live anymore.

Actually, gifting flowers, you bring death to the table of joy.

But some girls still may have some stereotypes regarding flowers, so each case is individual.
You can use my proposal to explain why you didn't give her flowers on the first date

P.S. Are you still treating the same girl, or using new approaches for the other girls?
Male Forums Member 
#8 | Posted: 26 Sep 2011 18:32
@ Plomb:

thanks for the tip, wasn't thinking about that factor! But I will not bring her flowers to our date, its distracting to carry them around in a bar all the time.

Its an other girl, just meet her on saturday in a club... amazing
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