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Foreign Student Life in Riga Latvia

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#1 | Posted: 12 Nov 2012 22:25
I am fame, i just got admission to study PhD degree in electric power engineering in riga., latvia. how is student life in riga, i am a Nigerian .
dainida60 Profile Pictures: 3
Female Forums Member 
#2 | Posted: 13 Nov 2012 12:22
Student life is great, but I'm not sure about the "foreign student life". Wondering to know there are lots of foreign students in latvia.
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#3 | Posted: 15 Nov 2012 13:22
If you look for a nice students club where you could meet all the people from over the world, land in Just Bar. It's on 11 Novembra Krastmala 17 in the Old Riga.
Male Forums Member 
#4 | Posted: 15 Nov 2012 14:54
Oh Mr Nigerian. I think you're going to be disappointed trying to go to Just club. We tried to get in in Thursday to their RnB night, and after some confusion amongst the door staff, they told us it was for Latvians only.

So two smartly dressed 'sober' black dudes from London trying to get into a club playing 'well' black music, couldn't get in.

So do try just club, and come back and let us know how you got on.

Our two favourite no fuss clubs were Scandals and Mad House. Both had excellent dj's and friendly positive staff. : )
Male Forums Member 
#5 | Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:40
Are foreign students able to get part time jobs in Latvia, i do not mean club life alone,
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#6 | Posted: 24 Nov 2012 10:51
You can study the thread below, recently we were discussing something related to finding a job in Latvia:
#7 | Posted: 29 Nov 2013 04:55
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is siva from INDIA. I would like to pursue my masters in Supply Chain Management in latvia at Riga. So could you please tell me about the part time jobs in Riga and jobs after complete my masters. Moreover, visa permissions duration like work permit duration after studies.


Yours Faithfully,
Male Forums Member 
#8 | Posted: 13 Dec 2013 09:59
i think working and studying in riga , is quiet impossible .
#9 | Posted: 17 Mar 2014 07:45
hi i am palanivel i have got admission in RTU and i would like to know if anyone stays in RTU accommodation and would like to know some details of the same.
#10 | Posted: 9 Apr 2014 08:00
hallow ,i want to take admission in latvia for bachelor,is it possible to continue my study with workpermit job
Male Admin 
#11 | Posted: 9 Apr 2014 16:20
is it possible to continue my study with workpermit job

It truly depends on your profession. Latvia has about 20% of unemployment level currently.
#12 | Posted: 14 Apr 2014 18:04
Anyone lives in İstanbul?
We can have a expat society here, to meet sometime??
#13 | Posted: 14 Apr 2014 18:12
Hi Yuta,
What a sweet breasts you have;) Just to be licked
#14 | Posted: 15 Apr 2014 08:43
hai my name's ajanthan
i got university admission and I would like to telling about what kind of job available in Latvia,riga ?
I'm foreign student so am I living possible there?
how many euro earn to one hour work there ?
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