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Open Minded Women

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Male Forums Member 
#1 | Posted: 20 Jul 2015 11:52

What country in the world do Latvian Women like their men from? Do you hate American's? If an American helped a special Latvian lady come visit America. Would most women do it?

If the guy wasn't a freak or con artist or criminal?

Just Asking!

yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#2 | Posted: 23 Jul 2015 13:31
What country in the world do Latvian Women like their men from?

We already have a topic related to it, you may read it to get some clues at first:

What kind of men Latvian girls like?

If an American helped a special Latvian lady come visit America. Would most women do it?

Would most women do - what?.. Come to America under invitation of just ONE man?

I think, before inviting someone, you should truly meet this person. Miracles may happen, if you know each other only online... an old known story...

If the guy wasn't a freak or con artist or criminal?

Not sure about you or others, but if I meet a new person I didn't even hear about earlier, for me it could be all of it. Some time needs to be spent before you know a person well, and this time is not about a minute or a day.
Male Forums Member 
#3 | Posted: 29 Jul 2015 08:18
i heard they like clean respected gentlemens , also they like to be threaten nicely
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#4 | Posted: 4 Aug 2015 11:32
i heard they like clean respected gentlemens , also they like to be threaten nicely

I doubt it's about Latvian girls only, it's possibly about mostly all women
Male Forums Member 
#5 | Posted: 6 Sep 2015 10:32
Is there a possibility to find a femal travel companion in Riga that will show me around during the next few days?
I would like to explore the outskirts of Riga by car.

Have a sunny Sunday
Thanks for your reply.

(I am Swiss, male, 34 years old)
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#6 | Posted: 11 Sep 2015 21:10
I would like to explore the outskirts of Riga by car.

I'm not truly sure you'd easily find a woman which could agree to go to the outskirts of Riga by car with an unknown foreigner ;)

But, if you'll drive amongst the Krasta street in the Salaspils direction, you could probably meet some interesting women...
#7 | Posted: 18 Nov 2015 01:44
Yellowjacket, solexius, and any other virgins reading this thread:

Come on guys, Latvia isn't mail-order bride/s-x slave central. It's not land of the prosititutes. Try dating girls in your home country first to get a basic idea of what interacting with people in the real world is like, it will help you loads once you venture out into the world and meet people from other countries.

Not trying to be mean, just honest, seriously Im a bit shocked if these questions youre asking are genuine.
Male Forums Member 
#8 | Posted: 18 Nov 2015 01:58
(FYI I have never been to Latvia but have a lot of friends from all over europe and have met many women as part of my job; things that women generally find universally attractive all over the globe including the US are:


Now lots of guys who are bad with girls say "Nice guys finish last," or "girls dont like nice guys." WRONG. Girls like nice guys, they dont like BORING guys. There is a difference.

-take care of yourself. "Pride in one's appearance is a reflection of self worth"
-Not a creeper (ie writing posts implying you want an escort/ slave in exchange for airfare or sugar daddy favors is a good example of a creeper post. If you're looking for a prostitute/escort, they do have websites for that kind of thing where girls are only interested in the money)
-Not fat/ugly
-Dress well
-Education never hurts. Foreign women are almost always flattered when you show some familiarity of their language and culture. Being ignorant is never attractive.
-Not boastful or egocentric

-Confidence. If you're not confident, the only way to get it is real world practice. It's good to periodically step out of your comfort zone, because thats when you grow your character as a person. A battleship is safest at port, but that's not what a battleship was designed for is it?

Go out, hone your basic social skills.

Thank me in a year.
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#9 | Posted: 18 Nov 2015 19:22 | Edited by: yuta
Male Forums Member 
#10 | Posted: 22 Nov 2015 05:49
hi yuta, i am wang. how re u these days?
I am stduying in canada now for master's degree.
yuta Profile Pictures: 2
Female Lady Blady 
#11 | Posted: 25 Nov 2015 15:59
Hey wang! I'm glad there's everything fine on your end.
So, after getting your degree, will you still be working hard to get a Latvian goodness? [or possibly goddess, not sure...)
Male Forums Member 
#12 | Posted: 28 Nov 2015 02:32

Hummm, now I am concentrating in my study and earning money to purchase land and houses. There are lots of vacant land here waiting to be exploited. Prairie Provinces in Canada, u know
Male Forums Member 
#13 | Posted: 28 Nov 2015 02:33
haha, 3 years ago I was still a naive boy. it has been such a long time since i posted last time here. thanks a lot for u to remember me still. TIME FLIES
Male Forums Member 
#14 | Posted: 28 Nov 2015 02:33
how's latvia now? there re few news about this small baltic nation.
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