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Latvia's Greatest National Asset: Jeļena Prokopčuka

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#29 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:55
If I want a result I have to do it. Only stones falling from the heavens stop me. Some days it isn't really pleasant but I do what I have to do. It is not difficult.
Justin Walley 
#30 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:55
Is everyone capable of being a long distance runner?
#31 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:55
Almost every person can run a marathon but they have to be ready. Prepare slowly, slowly - that way you can improve your stamina. Running is about stamina, speed and strength. Speed is a talent whereas stamina can be improved. You need two years, in my opinion, to mentally prepare for a marathon. Your first goal is five kilometres. It is very difficult to do a marathon - you must be ready. And you must accept that once it is done you will need a lot of time to recover. I've been doing this for twenty years but I still take preparation very seriously. I prepared for six months for my first marathon.
Justin Walley 
#32 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
Can you describe to me what it is like when you hit the 'dead point' at 35kms?
#33 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
My husband and a lot of his friends are marathon runners. I was afraid the first time I ran a marathon - I only thought about the dead point while I was running. I was waiting and waiting and I didn't feel anything. I only ran properly after that. My husband witnessed this and remarked that I am a natural marathon runner.
Justin Walley 
#34 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
But it must hurt sometimes when you reach thirty-five kilometres?
#35 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
I actually feel something happen after fifteen kilometres, then, perhaps, at thirty. The last seven kilometres are very difficult of course.
Justin Walley 
#36 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
You and your husband are both national record holders. How did you meet?
#37 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
I met my husband at competitions. The first time I saw him was at the Daugava Stadium. He only started running at 25 but he is actually the Latvian record holder. He was also in the '96 Olympics and came fifty-first in the marathon. He understands me, supports and helps me. I think a man can be alone in sport but not a woman. Without Alex I would never have won in New York. If I win, it's like he wins. He inspires me.
Jelena and her husband
Jelena and her husband
Justin Walley 
#38 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
How much longer will you continue? Will you go to the next Olympics?
#39 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:56
I like running because it is the one thing I can do well. I do it for a living, not as a hobby. I want to go to the Olympics as a coach. It is difficult to coach good athletes - you need special character, so let's see.

How long you ran depends very much on your health and wishes. I think I will run till I'm 40. After 40 it is very, very difficult because you are competing against some very young, fit people. At 40 you have great knowledge and experience, but not health.
Justin Walley 
#40 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:57
Who do you most respect in the world of women's long distance running?
#41 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:57
Catherine Ndereba is very smart; the smartest woman in the marathon. She won the world championships. I respect all runners because you need to have strong character, strong wishes and to be dedicated.

Paula (Radcliffe) is also great, but sometimes crazy. I think she doesn't like herself sometimes, because she puts herself through so much. Sadly she suffers from a lot of injuries. I often feel sorry for her.

She wants more and more. She just loves to win; she knows she is the best and has had a brilliant career.
With competitors
With competitors
Justin Walley 
#42 | Posted: 25 Dec 2008 11:57
You are the patron of the Riga Marathon. What made you decide to get involved in actively promoting it?
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